Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Federalism in Nepal: How real it is or merely Propaganda???

Nepal is an independent country tucked between two Asian giants- China and India. It was divided into numerous kingdoms for a long time. In the late 18th century, Prithvi Narayan Shah, the then King of Gorkha (one of the small kingdoms of Nepal prior to its unification) conquered most of the Kingdoms and principalities to constitute them into what it is known present day Nepal. Since then Nepal remains a unitary state. The wind of Mass movement II has created a call for of new constitution. With great expectation from coming constitution a term ‘New Nepal’ has been a hot cake among Nepalese people and a banner for the political parties. One of the perilous promises that the political parties used was to turn Nepal into a Federal Republic knowingly and unknowingly. Federalism is a system based upon democratic rules and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial/state governments, creating what is often called a federation. It has successfully worked in many countries like USA, India, Germany and many more. But does our context and condition match theirs’?

Let me begin with a few questions; Making sense of what’s actually happening in our country.

What is happening in the country today is not as much of as any drama-filled with clamoring characters echoing the tone of dissension. Country has been made a guinea pig to examine all sorts of political doctrines. Country had never been into this state of confusion and disarray as it is today shown immediate effects- resulted in bush-fire in very fabric of our society. Who among them have answers as to why there is unending trend of youth fleeting to Middle East countries for sake of nominal employment? Why there is dearth of internal growth in the country? Why there is frustration in common public and mostly the youths about their prospects? Where is the affordable access to health services and quality education for all, what action plans are there in place to make public transport in accident prone highways safer? What strong institution or law is there to put an end to impunity and corruption, why are politicians getting richer everyday irrespective where they come from be it from jungle, cave or from street? If every Nepali is the sufferer and when every Nepali wants to come out of it- how can so called single or multiple or whatever based federal state will be solution to this. Federalism or having of multiple states is not the solution of Nepal’s problem. Is Federalism panacea or magical in nature? Does it mean that when Federalism is established, Nepal will turn into another heaven? Is Nepal that much large? To see how federalism can become poison, the former Soviet Union is sufficient. The Soviets broke into 15 nations and there still exists the possibility of the emergence of more new nations from the already decimated Soviet empire. To be honest upfront, how on earth by provoking people on ground of ethnics and Communism help Nepal come out of the vicious cycle.

Nepal is heavily bestowed with natural beauty, climate, ethnicity and biodiversity what’s more it is known in the world as the land of Everest. The dangerous of all is the leaders chanting the same Mantra of Federalism where each indigenous group of people will have an autonomous republic. I don’t know what they have in their head, a step to bring strong communism or make a separate nation in their leadership. What I know is Nepal is a multi-ethnic nation where no group is in majority. According to the 2001 census of Nepal, there are 103 different ethnic groups in Nepal. They speak at least 90 different languages. Some of the ethnic groups are as small as 164 people. For example, according to the 2001 census of Nepal there are only 164 Kusundas in Nepal and these people are not anywhere else in the world. Different groups of people especially the ones demanding the autonomy are spread out throughout the nation. Therefore, introduction of Federalism or declaration of self governing regions based on ethnic groups will spell disaster for the whole country. It would not even benefit the group that is claiming autonomy. The ethnic groups such as Magars, Tharus, Tamangs, Newars, only constitute 7.14%, 6.75%, 5.64%, and 5.48% respectively. Moreover, these groups are not living in a particular locality. They are pretty much spread out throughout the country except the Tharus who mainly reside in the Terai belt. But to our great distress, each major caste/ethnicity has prejudices against another. The “madhesi’s” are referred to as “dhotis”, the bahun as “chor” who have ruined our country, and so on. If we divide this country by ethnicityaren't we sowing deeper on the emotions of “us” and “them” instead using the rhetoric of “us”. 

One could also argue that this is already happening today at a national level where Bahun and Chettri communities are running the country. I have no-doubt about it, but to end this cycle we have the quota system where a percentage of seats are reserved just for the minorities. That is not to say that minorities cannot run for other seats; they just have an increased advantage and a guarantee because of this system. However, their inclusion also needs to happen on an economic and educational level. Breaking a country by ethnic states doesn't guarantee any of that. It only gives an elitist group within the same minority groups further power, whereas, integrating quotas in our education and empowerment programs may break the cycle. The thing that is at stake is there should eligible and competing candidates from any ethnic group in bureaucracy. To truly integrate them, perhaps introduce quotas in universities and schools (especially private schools), while focusing on empowerment activities for the minorities. Definitely, respect and dignity begins at the ground level when we educate our children at home. If we teach children to stop discriminating against each other, stop using derogatory words, there would be greater unity and peace, and perhaps the harmony that all of us want in Nepal.

My next big concern is strictly an economic one. What is going to happen to the supply of food/ materials when you create ethnic borders? Aren't people without a border with India going to suffer the most? Aren't industries going to suffer because of further taxation and new border policies? How is the domestic economy going to compete with the international market? Also, those ethnic states with borders touching India are going to benefit the most economically, while the rest will be left in jeopardy.

Going further into history, what about the example of Bosnia and Rwanda. Have we forgotten the genocide and ethnic cleansing in both these countries? Both wars happened as a result of ethnic conflicts, and the sights aren't pretty even today. My fear with ethnic federalism is that it will lead to a backlash. Once the states are divided by ethnicity, what guarantee is there that other ethnic groups can live in the same place in peace? Also, a friend of mine recently pointed towards another danger - of favoritism. When a particular ethnic group runs local bodies, wouldn't they favor the same ethnic group to take over and run business, politics and society for that matter? My friend gave me an example of Nigeria where Muslim Nigerians and Christian Nigerians are still struggling with such divisions.

Initially ethnic federalism was a Maoist agenda. I am worried about ethnic federalism because this seems like a Maoist strategy to keep their powers and win the next elections- "satta kabza" as they say in Nepali. Nepal is a small country which can be managed even without federalism if the power is decentralized in the true sense. Nepal is divided into 5 Development Regions, 14 Administrative zones and 75 districts. The 14 administrative zones are grouped into five development regions. These development regions can well serve the principles of federal states if the power is wisely transferred to them. The development regions can manage among others promoting and protecting the cultures, traditions and other important issues of the ethnic units that fall under their responsibilities. Federalism is a costly system. Now we have a central parliament and central cabinet. In a federal system, there will be a parliament and cabinet in all the provincial states and this system will definitely put a burden on the national exchequer.

In the name of identity, we are focusing on a lesser identity while ignoring our greater and more important identity (the land of Everest, birth place of Lord Buddha, and the mighty place having collections of temples, stupas and chaityas) as previously Hindu nation tag was removed. I am gonna lay my view on this regard on my upcoming article. Thus, instead of adopting federal structure, decentralization and a system of strong and effective local self- governance would serve Nepal better.


I also want to make it clear that I am not against giving ethnic groups indigenous recognition. Yes, every minority group should get equal rights (obviously!!) but I don’t think ethnic federalism is the right way to go about it. I also understand the idea of “preservation of culture” but don’t think forcing people to celebrate festivals and be a part of an identity through ethnic federalism is the right way to go about it. In fact, I see it as an infringement to people’s private spaces and the whole idea seems rather un-democratic. The promotion of cultural activities can be done in non-ethnic based states as well. Everyone is free to do musicals, dances, food-festivals etc. I am in fact very proud of the diversity in our country. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

फ्याउरेलाइ मार्दा स्यालको कराइ

v भावनामा पहिरो गएपछि जुनसुकै बेला मनको बाँध फुट्न सक्छ, आखिर डुबानमा पर्ने एमालेनै हो |

वहाँ वहाँ शर्मा ज्यु पुवाक्क मुख खोल्यौ ।
चरी मार्दा माननिय ज्यु किन यत्ती सारो रोयौ ।
कहाँ थियौ मानानिय ज्यु सारा सुनकोशी रुदा ।
किन गर्छौ घात कम्रेड चरी उडी जादा ।
चरी मार्दा सम्सद मा हङ्गामा नै लियायौ ।
सयौ जनता पुरिदा नि कम्रेड कानमा तेल लायौ ।
सुन्छु कतै माननिय ज्यु अस्पातालमा सिसा फुटे अरे ।
माननियकै आशिर्बाद मा धादिङ बन्द भो रे।
हजुर कै अशिबाद मा चरी शहिद पो हुने भो रे ।

एमालेको राजनिती पनि बुझिनशक्नुको छ बा। आफ्नै पर्टिको ग्रिहमन्त्री छ अनि उसकै जिल्लास्तरिय नेता, दिनेश अधिकारी (जो कुख्यात अपराधि हो) लाई पुलिशले दोहोरो भिडन्तमा मारिदिन्छ फेरि एमालेकै सभाशदले घटनाको बिरोधमा संशद अबरुद्द गर्छन यो कस्तो राजनिती? पाण्डेजिले आफ्नै पार्टिका बरिस्ट उपाध्यक्ष ले समेत चरी जबाफी कारबाहीमा मारिएका हुन् भन्दा समेत नपत्याएर संसद अबरुद्द गरिरहेर संसदीय मर्यार्दाको खिल्ली उडाएका छन् । किनकि चरीको अबसान संगै उनको राजनीतिक भबिस्य पनि संकट मा परेको छ । उनलाई राम्ररी थाहा छ हिजो २०६४ सालको संबिधान सभाको चुनाबमा सालिकराम जम्मरकटेलले उनलाई गाउँ छिर्नै नदिएर हराएका थिए । पछिल्लो चुनाबमा भने चरीको सहायतामा उनले कट्टेललाई परास्त गरे ।अब फेरी अर्का राजनीतिक डन यिनै जम्मरकटेल हाबी हुने त्रास छ उनमा | जे भयो धेरै पहिले हुनु पर्ने कुरा हो, पार्टीको आड लिएर जनतामा त्रास उत्पन्न गराउनेलाई सजाय त दिने पर्थो, फेरी सभासद पाण्डेलाई जनताले भोट दिएर सभासद भाको कि चरीले? जनताको लागि सदनमा आको कि चरीको लागि? किन चरीको लागि यति धेरै वकालत? यी पाण्डे जीले सिन्धुपाल्चोक पहिरो पीडितको बारेमा यसरी उफ्री उफ्री कराएका भए जनताको कति तालि पाउँथे होला |

के चरी प्रकरणमा एमाले सामु नैतिक प्रश्न छैन? प्रहरीको मोस्ट वाण्टेड सूचीमा चढेका व्यक्तिलाई पार्टी सदस्यता दिन मिल्छ? उल्टै उनलाई क्षेत्रीय समितिको उपाध्यक्ष बनाउन संकोच हुन्न? एमालेले चरी मात्रै होइन नेपाल प्रहरीको मोस्ट वाण्टेड सूचीमा रहेका अर्का गुण्डा रमेश बाहुनलाई पनि गत संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा आफ्नो पार्टीमा प्रवेश गराएको थियो। गुण्डाका सवालमा पार्टीहरुले न्यूनतम  सामाजिक मर्यादा र कानुनी शासनको पालना गरेका छैनन्। गुण्डालाई छहारी दिने मामिलामा उनीहरु पूरै निशंकोच देखिएका छन्। बास्तवमा नेताहरुलाई चरीलाई मारेकोमा चिन्ता होईन, चरीले गुण्डा गर्दी गरेर आफुलाई कमिशन पाउने मुहान बन्द भएकोमा चिन्ता हो |

मेरो देश नेपालमा राजाको पुरै परिवार मारिये कस्ले मार्यो किन मार्यो थाहा भयेन। मदन भन्डारी मारिये कस्ले किन मारे पतै भयेन । आज ऐउटा गुन्डा देशको कलङ्क लाई पुलिस ले ईन्काउन्टर गर्दा येत्रो हङ्गामा। जनताहरु सुन्दै छौ होलानि नेताको धारणा यस्ता धेरैको ईन्काउन्टर गर्नुछ अझै नेपालमा । देशको सिमा मिचियेकोछ त्यस्मा छान्बिन हुदैन। बिदेशमा नेपाली मारियेका छन तेस्मा छान्बिन हुदैन। आज ऐउटा अपराधि जनतालाई धम्कयाउने जनतालाई दुख दिने सोजा सिदा जनतालाई अपहरण चन्दा असुल हत्या गर्ने अपराधि मारिदा हाम्रो नेताको चित दुखेको छ । छान्बिनको माग गरेको छन पुलिसलाई पुरस्क्रित गर्नुको सटा। ( तिमी हामीले भोट दिऐका नेता हरुको नियत बिस्तारै बाहिर आउदैछ ) देशमा प्रक्रितीक प्रोकोप आको छ सयौ मनिस मरे हजारौ बिस्तापित भये यस घटनाले साम्सद मा हङ्गामा भयेन आज अपरधि मारिदा साम्सद भबन मा हङ्गामा भयोरे हाम्रो नेपाल मा।धिकार छ राष्ट घाति नेता हरु तिमीहरु लाई |

मोदिको प्रवचनले एमाले नेताहरुलाई उल्टो असर परेजस्तो छ ! 'ऋषीमन'भनेको 'पर्शुराम ऋषीमन' भन्ने बुझेछन् कि क्या हो ?

Every TU students studying BBA are apprised to prepare SWOT analysis in third or fourth semester. Many  of them are baffled regarding format, criteria and content of SWOT analysis report. Herein, i have provided a sample of SWOT analysis report. I hope it will be helpful for all of you friends studying BBA. This report is written for the sole purpose of assisting students. 

Cover page:



Submitted by:                                                          Submitted to:
----------------                                                                ---------------

Second page:

It is a pleasure to get acquainted with the, resources, business operations, and employees thereby CG group of companies. As a business student, we got an opportunity to meet and understand the business operation of Chaudhary group of industries. After our meeting with marketing manager, we realized that all the entrepreneurs and students who have interest in business can understand how successful entrepreneur, Mr. Binod Chaudhary got into the business and how succeeded on that, which is going to motivate youths like us.

First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our principal ------ (name) and all the college staffs who cooperated with us to visit there. Then as well we would like to request the college management to make arrangements for meeting with manager which helped us to know about the business climate of our country.

We are fully confident that whoever read this report will make up mind to visit CG group of industries and genuinely be interested to learn more not only of Chaudhary group but also different business in the nation where people are slowly advancing ahead in terms of business utilizing local resources.

Third page:

Table of contents:

1.0     List of illustration……………………………………………………IV
2.0     Background.……...…………………………………………………..V
3.0    Introduction……………………………………………………….....1-3
3.1   Purpose……………………………………………..…………1
3.2   CG as a multi-brand company……………….……..................1
3.5   Visuals showing facility of CG group………………………..2-3
4.0     Discussion………………………………………………………….3-11
4.1    Types of Noodles ………………………………………………3
4.2    SWOT analysis………………………………………………4-11
                                                               i.            Strength
                                                            ii.            Weakness
                                                          iii.            Opportunities
                                                          iv.            Threats
5.0    Conclusion ……………………..…………………………………….12
6.0     Work Cited………………………………………….....………………13

Fourth page:

List of illustration:
·        Fig. 1……………………“Wai Wai” varieties
·        Fig 2……………………...CG Digital
·        Fig 3……………………….Feast Masala
·        Fig 4……………………………CG cement
·        Fig 5……………………………….Rio
·        Fig 6…………………………………… “Wai Wai”
·        Fig 7……………………………………..CG ice beer
·        Fig 8……………………………………….Kwiks cheese ball

Fifth page:


Chaudhary Group is a multi-industrial transnational conglomerate having diversified interests across various sectors established by Binod Chaudhary with the investment of Rs. 20 crores with technical collaboration from Thai Preserved Food Factory (TPFF), Thailand. Inspired from his industrious father, Chaudhary always envisioned becoming a very big industrialist of Nepal. With more than four decades of continuous hard work, he is living his dreams as he developed the Chaudhary Group to the biggest conglomerate of Nepal which is worth a billion dollars and more. The company includes over 40 businesses spanning across all five continents what’s more the company is a power dominant in production and services of food, beverages, beer, tobacco, consumer electronic products in Nepal. The company focuses on Infrastructure, homes, real estate, healthcare, education and power sector in. It is the only billion dollar company of Nepali origin that also has an impact on the south Asian Food and Beverages market. Today brands like WAI-WAI noodles (must successful business) are the market leader in its segment and a household name not only in Nepal, India & Bhutan but also in the fast growing markets across the world.

In this way, Mr. Binod Chaudhary is providing a credible example of individual initiative and leadership which is especially inspiring given Nepal’s entrepreneurial climate. 

Sixth page:



The main purposes to prepare this report are:
·        To arrive at a deeper level of insight on Chaudhary Group's strategic planning and production process where it connects its objectives and strategies to actionable tactics carried out by employees

·        To impart the finding of SWOT analysis on Chaudhary Group’s noodles ‘wai wai’

·        Business aside, our primary goal is to help people to know how successful entrepreneur, Mr. Binod Chaudhary got into the business and how succeeded on that, which is going to motivate youths like us

CG as a multi brand company:
The Group's progress over the last sixty-seven years has been a trial-blazer on the Nepalese horizon. In a land-locked, developing third world nation, this spells nothing short of very hard-earned success. Apart from also being a responsible citizen, Chaudhary Group forms an intrinsic part of every realm of life from Biotech, Cement, Education, and Electronics & White goods, Energy and Infrastructure, Financial Services, FMCG, Hotels & Resorts, Realty to Retail. The CG touches every aspects of public life- with presences in industries like food and beverages, apparel, health care, education tobacco, real state, financial services, steel, automobiles, hydroelectric power, and hospitality tourism. The CG, as the first Nepalese company, also has growing presence in world’s competitive FMCG markets.

 Seventh page:

CG products images

Eighth page:

We also visited the CG facility and researched on the quality and types of “Wai Wai”. We also conducted SWOT analysis of “Wai Wai” business on the basis of that information. Some of the detail information and findings about all these are listed below:

Instant Noodles
Instant noodles are available in different flavors:
Brown Noodles
·        Wai Wai is a popular brown noodle (3 Seasonings) available in 2 different flavors - Vegetable and Chicken. It is available in 75 gm packet.
·        Wai Wai Quick is a brown noodle (Curry Base - 3 Seasonings) available in Vegetable and Chicken flavors. It is available in 75 gm packet.
White Noodles
·        Wai Wai X Press is a white noodle (2 Seasonings) available in Vegetable and Chicken flavors. It is available in 90 gm packet.
·        Wai Wai X Press Masala Delight is a white vegetable noodle with 2 seasonings. It is available in 90 gm packet and 50 gm packet.
·        Soaltee is a white noodle available in Chicken flavor. It is available in 50 gm packet.
Snack Noodles
·        Mimi snack noodle (2 Seasonings) available in Chicken flavor. It is available in 50 gm packet.
·        Mama Bhujia is available in Chicken flavor in three different weights - 40 gm, 10 gm and 20 gm.

SWOT Analysis:
“Wai Wai” has stood the pressure of competitions and prevailed as the best instant noodle.  It has an annual turnover of Rs 3 billion, while in Nepal it is approximately Rs 1.40 billion. “Wai Wai” is the most affordable food product.  For this achievement, Mr. Chaudhary efforts are very commendable. His dialogues in developing society collectively, expanding, opening new markets and benefit of new products for the Nepalese society a level of understanding far beyond can foster a polarization of economy. Some of the strengths of “Wai Wai” business are listed below:

1.     Brand image:
“Wai Wai” is the most preferable product; what’s more it is market leader among several noodles producer in Nepal. Its product name has entered into language of common people and “Wai Wai” has become popular brand. Just like popular trademarks -Cold Means Coke, sticky tape means sellotape noodle means “Wai Wai”. ‘Wai Wai’ instant noodle is a recognized and established brand not just in Nepal but in 20 different countries.

2.     Huge capital:
“Wai Wai” has an annual turnover of Rs. 3 billion while in Nepal it is approximately Rs. 1.4 billion. As Chaudhary Group spreads its wings beyond Nepal, it has over 40 Companies under its umbrella and an investment outlay of over $1 Billion. Thus, it has huge capital which it is investing in possible areas.

3.     Quality focused:
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.
- Binod K. Chaudhary
(President, Chaudhary Group)

“Wai Wai” has been certified ISO 22000 for food safety management system and ISO 9001:2008 for quality management system. These certificates blindly infer people too blindly in the product. “Wai Wai” noodles are hygienically packed in metallic wrapper and available in best quality. Recently, “Wai Wai” has launched ‘NO MSG ADDED’ 5 grains noodle which is suitable for people’s health.

4.     Economies of scale production:
CG operates within 24 hours in 3 shifts with hundred percent local talents and utilizes local resources as far as possible. This help to reduce cost and gain economies of scale.

Strong distribution Network:
“Wai Wai” instant noodles are the Nepal’s leading distributors having wide network of 2000 distributors all over Nepal. CG/FMCG has widest reach in the country through its retail outlets and dealers and sub-dealers network.

5.     Higher acceptance and global network:
Being first Nepali multi-national company having world-class quality and unique taste of noodle it has higher acceptance and distribution network in global market.

6.     Skilled Expertise:
Teams of highly qualified and experienced professionals manage the company professionally. They have the foreign experts and technician from UK, Germany, Korea, Thailand who are assisting employees to improve work quality and efficiency.

7.     Social contribution:
Mr. Binod Chaudhary, chairman of CG group of company is also a recognized philanthropist and till now contributed a lot in social sector. CG group fulfills its social responsibility with pride. Every year CG foundation pledges $1 million for social business in various sectors. Some of the short listed contributions are listed below:

v Gyanudaya; scholarship for higher studies
v Gyanjyoti; solar lamp distributing to students of remote places
v Hamroghar; for rehabilitating street children
v Skill  development training
v Employment opportunities to locals

8.     Updated technology:
Taking about technology CG uses German technology for snacks production. CG updates its technology with newer ones with the pace of advancement. Similarly, training and development programs are also conducted if the company feels employees are having problem to get acquainted with new machines and methods.

Rests of the strengths are:
}  CG , No. 1 corporate house in Nepal
}  40 plus operating businesses with 6000 employees
}  12 Global partners and associates
}  Presence in more than 50 countries
}  Recognition from Forbes Asia (Binod Chaudhary as a first billionaire of Nepal)
}  Reputation of having the largest yet fastest growing in all sectors of business at present


1.     Land locked country:
In Nepal highway routes with black pitched roads are not linked to all places of the country because of geographical difficulty i.e. land locked structure. This has created the problem in supply of “Wai Wai” produced in all remote places. Thus, there is poor access and distribution in every nook and corner of the country.

2.     Supply doesn't meet demand:
In the market there is huge demand of “Wai Wai” but the company has been able to meet 40% of total demand. The plant runs all day long (24 hours) in three shifts but the supply is not adequate
3.     Turnover high in sales department:
As per told by Mr. Roshan Chettri, marketing manager there is the problem of turnover in sales department, but in quite low percentage. On daily basis, 10-12 persons leave the company but on contrary to that number same get involved also. Mr. Chettri told that, this problem is especially occurring in regional salesperson. They are poached by competitors for better pay and facilities.

4.     High competition in cement and beverages:
Besides “Wai Wai”, in cement, Masala and beverages there is quite high competition as these products are new to this industry to counter with established brand existing since many years.
-            -----Taking about beverages CG only holds 8% of total market shares.
-     ---- Similarly, cement production plant has not been able to produce the required amount to meet break-even point ( 10000 per day required but 8000 produced).


1.      Global expansion of Business:
CG has high chance of expansion in other foreign countries rather than India only.    Till now it exports “Wai Wai” to 58 countries but it has increasing chance to export to other countries. Similarly, in domestic market, there is increasing population density in metro politician cities where consumption is more than 70 percent.

2.      Brand building activities and market penetration strategy can increase sales and build brand image among consumption group.
3.      Market is vacated by an effective competitor especially in “Wai Wai”. “Wai Wai” has more than fifty percent of total market shares. There is not effective competitor for “Wai Wai”. Mayoj and Ruchi are some competing brand.

4.      Product Diversification:
Product diversification can be a good opportunity for CG group of industry. It has been launching various brands of noodles with various schemes which is quite good sign of success.


1.     Barriers by infrastructure:
Our country is land lock country and due to lack of transportation in all parts of country, CG/FMCG is not able to expand their product in various parts of the country which is great barrier for them.

2.     Economic slowdown could reduce demand:
The increasing economic slowdown will result the reduce of demand which is great threat for this company

3.     Lack of subsidies from government:
As told by Mr. Chettri, government is not providing enough subsidies as it should provide. During loadsheding, due to the use of inverters and generators production cost becomes high. This result high cost of product. In some cases, product price increase by five times.

4.     New competitor in home market:
New competitor in domestic market is a great threat. For CG/FMCG as per data there are newly competitors entering into domestic market. For “Wai Wai” Mayoj is competitor, for Rio real is competitor and so on.

5.     Price wars with competitors:
When there is competition in market then there is arise a kind of war regarding price. Increasing competition creates ups and downs in price between competitors.

6.     Government rules and regulations:
Political instability results the frequent change of rules and regulations. This is a great threat for them if the changed government doesn't work in favor of them.

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All these strength has helped CG to be well rounded and managed business. Working in favor of and utilizing ones strength will obviously lead CG to create a lasting image in the international arena as well as it has already done in domestic setting. Though the business is fostering but it has some weaknesses. Yet this business has room for its expansion but because of several problems it has not been possible.

Tenth page:

 Work Cited:
o   Technical writing-Sharon and Jackson
o   www.chaudharygroup.com
o   Interview with Marketing manager