Sunday, July 20, 2014

What Remains: Are you the same person a minute a minute ago??

Close your eyes and clear your heart and think a while ---- Are you the same person a minute ago? What a juvenile question. Obviously you are. You have the same physiological process – the same skin, the same bones, and the same muscles, the same (more or less) neurons, the same synapses, the same blood vessels and connective tissue inside your skull. More overpoweringly, you have the same memories. And unless something alarming happens to you, like an almighty thwack on the head, you have the impression of an uninterrupted range of consciousness.
               The more you think about it, the more you recognize that you are not the same person you were even a couple of second ago. On a molecular and atomic level you are not somewhat the same person you were a couple of second ago.

And it is not just the material structure of our body that changes, every year, every hour, and every second. I am moving, constantly and unstoppably. If we sit as still as we can we are still rotating at about 450 mph around the Earth’s axis, and at 66,000 mph around that of the Sun. Every microsecond we occupy another wodge of space–time. Our makeup and position is changing all the time.

This is the point to ponder. I am delving into this topic nowadays. It’s an introductory part. I am gonna post final part ASAP. 

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