Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wax Coating Apple Fruits-Healthy or Unhealthy

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. May be not, especially if the fruit shines. Rather avoid eating a shining apple keeps doctor at bay. This is because the shine comes from wax coated on the apples. When I am eating freshly picked juicy and mouth watering apple, my taste buds explode with the goodness of each bite. Some days back I was eating an apple with the skin on and my mom was like," eww you should have peeled it, apple skin contains bad chemicals" I think she is just crazy though. Now I realize why she yelled on me? Previously, I was unheard of possible effects of apple waxing thus I was unable stop myself to buy the fresh apples whenever my eyes fell upon them. But nowadays, I have been pondering how safe is the wax on apples? What bugs me is the wax that covers the apples; to supposedly preserve them. How safe is this? What actually is it? Apples have natural wax coating on their surface. You can observe this when you pluck an apple from a tree and rub it with your hands. If there is natural waxing then what is the need of artificial one? Who asked for a shining apple? Everyone wants an apple which keeps us healthy.

Apple waxing is the process of covering apple with artificial waxing material. Waxing materials may be either natural or petroleum-based. The prime reasons for waxing are to prevent water loss and thus retard shrinkage and spoilage, and to improve appearance. This practice is very common, especially in supermarkets. Thin layer of wax is coated on apples, either by dipping, brushing or spraying with waxes. If an apple looks very glossy and shiny, it is to be suspected. Herein I have listed few steps to remove wax from apples:

Step 1: Fill your sink with five inches of lukewarm water

Step 2: Add one tbsb lemon juice and one tbsb baking soda

Step 3: Soak your apples in the water for ten minutes

Step 4: Use a veggie brush and brush the outside of apples

Step 5: Then, you will see the wax disappear and the water becomes cloudy

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